Here at Pagan Sol, we focus on providing high-quality and efficient deliveries. Many of our items are produced within 24 hours of receiving the order. Our expert staff works together with our partners, to ensures that we control each step of the printing and production process. This allows us to maintain our high-quality standards for each of our luxury products.
Production times do vary according to each product, with more details available on each product's page. Please note that deliver time is not the same as productsion time.
Most of our leather handbag products are "Ready same day" or in 1 - 2 days. That does not mean you will have your proeduct that same day. Rather, "Ready Same Day" would mean that we have your product ready to ship that day, and we will put it on the FedEx truck that same day. In rare cases, we may require an additional 1 - 2 days to ready your product.
FedEx delivers every day, including Saturdays, but not Sundays and some national holidays.
Generally, because our products are made in London, it takes approximately 2 days for shipping and for Eastern US (Western US takes approximately 3-4 days).
Delivery to PO Box addresses is not possible.
Please note: You will have to sign upon delivery! This is just another added measure to ensure you receive your products in good condition.
More information about FedEx and their delivery services can be found on their Web site.